Streamer: DrLupo


YouTube Channel:

I like watching Dr Lupo, I find that many of the streamers I do watch tend to main one game with the odd occurrence of another, usually only when there’s been some kind of update or sponsorship to play it. DrLupo offers some real variety in the games he plays, take the time to look at his channels and you will see what I mean.


Today’s streamer highlight may not be for everyone, I’ll be honest. But this video honestly feels like getting all the gang back together. The footage itself isn’t the greatest of gameplay (still better than anything I could do of course!). But to have DrLupo playing with TimTheTatMan, CourageJD and Ninja is honestly just great! They are an enjoyable watch, you feel like part of the team.

Check out the video below for a good watch:

If you like what you seen in that, I’ve linked DrLupo’s channels at the top of this post. Give him a follow and support where you can. DrLupo uses his network for some fantastic charity work too!
