
Streamer: Ninja


YouTube Channel

Love him or loath him, there’s no denying Ninja is a phenomenal gamer. I’m not going to get into some kind of debate over whether he is liked or not. I think he is a victim of large success and with that comes a lot of people pointing out the good over the bad. I quite like Ninja, when his gaming is on point it is a pleasure to watch, for me, it was Fortnite that got me taking an interest in his streams.

I would imagine Fortnite is the source of a lot of peoples interest in streaming. But anyway, that is a side note. Onto today’s streamer highlight.


I choose this video because it really is Ninja on top form. He has dropped into a squads Fortnite Battle Royale, but chosen not to join matchmaking and has gone it alone. If I remember correctly, that would be 4v1 in each battle he encounters. It is top class gaming and a pleasure to watch! Check it out below:

As always with these streamer highlights. If you like what you see, make sure to give it a like and even subscribe to his channel, I would imagine even the larger streamers like Ninja still really appreciate every subscribe they get!

Ninja can often be found playing with DrLupo and TimTheTatMan, two other streamers I have already featured in Streamer Highlight posts.
